How To Find A Private Investigator

Finding the right Private Investigator to handle your case is very important.

If you start with Google you will find that the first page is mostly filled up with sponsored adds. These are going to give you a huge amount of potential options but the problem is these are paid adds and that does not mean they are in your geographic area or that they actually do specialize in the type of case you are looking for. These sites all try and charge Investigators more money for more listings in geographic areas and specialties.

Start with the organic listings by putting "Private Investigator and your city" which will still be farther down the page that shows the location on the google map page.  Then if it is a local area phone number call and ask for a referral for the kind of Investigation you are looking for. That is how it worked before the internet and all we had was a phonebook, that still works today. And here is a tip/hint when you are looking at the listings, websites and adds. Private Investigators are highly specialized, the more specialties you see listed the less likely that they actually have a specialty and they are just fishing for more business. Don't be fooled by glitzy websites with fancy offices in high rise towers. Some of the best Investigators work out of the house and don't have a website because they get all the business they need from referrals and long term clients like Law Firms. Also do they answer the phone during business hours? Do you really want to fill out the online case intake form and describe your confidential situation before you talk to a human?  Private Investigators are service professionals and will try and help guide you in the right direction.